Posted on January
5, 2013 at 10:25am by
Mike Opelka

Since the
news broke earlier this week about the sale of Al Gore’s ultra-liberal Current TV, much
has been said about who bought the channel (Al Jazeera) and who tried — but was
rejected (Glenn Beck). Beyond that story, the media deal brings many
questions to light.
owns Al Jazeera?
That’s a
fairly simple question. The network is owned by the Qatari government, which is
run by the Al Thani family. The U.S. State Department describes Qatar this way:
Qatar is an
hereditary constitutional monarchy governed by the ruling Al Thani family in
consultation with a council of ministers, an appointed advisory council and an
elected municipal council. It’s a kingdom complete with a royal family that
controls massive wealth from their substantial oil and gas reserves.
“Al Jazeera America” (one reported new name of the channel) keep any of the
programs from the Current TV lineup?
Perhaps a
better phrasing of that question would be: Why
would Al Jazeera keep any of the programs from the Current TV lineup?
Most reports about the sale have mentioned that the
Qatar-owned outlet was buying Current TV not for its programming but for the
access to an estimated 42 million cable TV households that carried it. If cable
operators allow Al Jazeera to simply slide into Current’s channel position,
that increases its potential audience nearly tenfold. However, that plan was
also hit with a significant body shot this week: Almost immediately after the
sales was announced, cable giant Time Warner — the fourth-largest provider in the
country — announced that it was dropping Current TV from its systems.
Behar, Stephanie Miller, Elliot Spitzer and others at Current have
undoubtedly been aware of the difficulty network has had in establishing an
audience. Despite being in almost half of the country’s cable TV
households, Current and its programming is virtually unknown to an
overwhelming majority of Americans. Most of the awareness came from the hosts
promoting their shows on other outlets. Joy Behar could plug her “Say
Anything!” show on ABC’s “The View” and radio talkers like Bill Press and
Stephanie Miller were able to flog their television efforts on radio, but none
of these translated to ratings significant enough to argue for the channel’s
It also seems
unlikely that Al Jazeera would openly accept some of the shows on Current.
After all, the channel is owned by the Qatari government and the country has
some very strict rules when it comes to lifestyles and behaviors. The State
Department again offers offers
some vital information about the network’s new owners: Islamic beliefs and
tribal traditions provide an important foundation of the country’s customs,
laws and practices.
Shariah law is the standard in Qatar.
Current’s new
bosses are also not as tolerant of the broad spectrum of “lifestyles” we see
here in America. Some of the openly gay hosts, like Stephanie Miller, might
have to ask themselves if they could work for a company that would consider
them criminals who deserved to be whipped and locked away in
prison? Again, we’re quoting the State Department’s public information on
Homosexual activity
is considered to be a criminal offense, and those convicted may be sentenced to
lashings, a prison sentence, and/or deportation. Gay lifestyles are not the
only problem that Al Jazeera’s owners might have with some of their new
employees. People with HIV/AIDS are advised against visiting the country: Qatar
does not allow individuals with HIV/AIDS to live in the country. Medical exams
are required for all long-term visitors and residents. Individuals who have
HIV/AIDS may be subject to deportation.
The country
is also very strict on what women can wear in public. Qatar does not require
all women to wear the burqa in public, but it does take issue with many
wardrobe choices considered acceptable in America: Foreign visitors are
expected to remain sensitive to Islamic beliefs and practices and not dress in
a revealing or provocative manner, including the wearing of sleeveless shirts
and blouses, halter tops and shorts. In addition to Qatar’s constraints on
fashion, free speech is also something that the new owners have issues with.
Again, from the guidance of the State Department: Incidents involving insults
or obscene language/gestures often result in arrest, overnight imprisonment
and/or fines whether the incident occurs between private parties or involves
officers of the law. Insulting someone in public is considered a punishable
Based on that
information, one could safely assume that most of the Current TV lineup, if the
channel were carried in Qatar, would be subject to arrest on a daily basis, if
they ever set foot in the country.
And what if
Al Jazeera were to offer to keep any of the Current TV hosts? Would any
of the very liberal on-camera talent agree to stay if offered a position with a
company run by a gay-hating, free speech squelching, theocratic monarchy that
makes its billions selling oil and gas?
One high
profile host on Current TV has already announced that she is leaving the
network: Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, host of “The War Room.”
While media
outlets seemed to draw a line connecting the end of Granholm’s TV show with the
Al Jazeera purchase, Granholm’s Facebook announcement sought to debunk that:
“My agreement
with Current was for the duration of the election (and the sale). It has been a
very fun adventure; we are blessed with a wonderful team. We’ll continue to
broadcast ‘The War Room’ for the next few weeks through the transition, but
after that I’ll be going back to teaching, speaking and other things.”
It will
certainly be interesting to see if Al Jazeera retains any of the present staff
from Current TV. To date, they have only stated some rather vague intentions.
Al Jazeera
spokesman Stan Collender told USA Today that
the new channel “will offer straightforward, in-depth journalism,” but many in
the news media are dubious of that statement. Al Jazeera does not exactly have a spotless record for “straightforward” reporting:
In 2008,
former ABC-TV Nightline reporter Dave Marash, brought on to
anchor Al Jazeera English for American audiences, quit after two years and said
the anti-American bias at the station was “reflexive.”
watchdog groups have also stepped up to voice their concerns about this deal.
Andrea Levin, president and director of the Committee for Accuracy in
Middle East Reporting in America, told USA TODAY:
agreement by Al Jazeera cable television network to buy Current TV is not
necessarily a plus for U.S. cable operators or their audiences. It (Al Jazeera
Arabic) is not the Middle East equivalent of CNN, as it is often but
mistakenly described.”
Ms. Levin cites a specific example when speaking
of one of the channel’s most popular programs called “Sharia and Life.” …hosted
by Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a former “spiritual guide” of the Muslim
Brotherhood. Al-Qaradawi has called for conversion of Europe and North America
to Islam and a Muslim-led genocide of Israel and the Jews.
Earlier this week, TheBlaze covered Al-Qaradawi and
his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Jazeera.
With that, many questions still remain:
How many of Current TV’s 40million plus cable
households will remain after cable companies consider the new owners and what
might be seen on the channel?
Will there be straight-forward reporting on
Al-Jazeera America? If offered jobs on the new network, will any of the Current
TV talent agree to work for a company with ownership that considers gays to be
criminals who deserve to be whipped and jailed? We’ll be watching.
Jazeera Media Network has announced that it has acquired US cable channel
Current TV.
Qatar-based network said on Thursday that with the acquisition it plans
to create Al Jazeera America, a
US-based news channel. Al Jazeera’s coverage will
soon be available in more than 40 million US households, up from 4.7 million
prior to the deal.
were undisclosed, but analysts told the Reuters news agency the deal could be
worth an estimated $500m. The new channel will be headquartered in New York
City. In addition to the existing Al Jazeera news bureaus in New York,
Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago, Al Jazeera will open
additional bureaus in key locations across the United States. It will also
double its US-based staff to more than 300 employees. The deal brings Al
Jazeera into closer competition with American news channels like CNN, MSNBC
and Fox. The award-winning channel is seen in more than 260 million homes in
130 countries, but has had limited access to US markets.
many years, we understood that we could make a positive contribution to the
news and information available in and about the United States and what we are
announcing today will help us achieve that goal," Ahmed bin Jassim Al
Thani, director general of Al Jazeera, said in a statement. "By
acquiring Current TV, Al Jazeera will significantly expand our existing
distribution footprint in the US, as well as increase our newsgathering and
reporting efforts in America."
Common goals
Jazeera said its new US-based news channel would be separate from Al Jazeera
English, and would provide both domestic and international news for American
audiences. The new channel is scheduled to begin broadcasting in 2013. Current
Television was set up seven years ago by former US vice president Al
Gore. Although Current TV has been struggling for ratings, it
nonetheless reaches 60 million American households, according to its own
and his partner Joel Hyatt also announced the sale in a statement. "Current
Media was built based on a few key goals: To give voice to those who are not
typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse
points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling,"
Gore and Hyatt said. "Al Jazeera has the same goals and, like Current,
believes that facts and truth lead to a better understanding of the world
around us."
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