Romney Won't Say Whether He Would Have Signed Lilly Ledbetter Act
The Huffington
Post | By Sam
Stein Posted: 04/16/2012 7:32 pm
Mitt Romney's economic advisers were asked last week whether the former
governor supported the Lilly Ledbetter Act, they took a few hours to
produce an answer. Even then, the aides left some questions unanswered.
aides said, supports the concept of equal pay for equal work and has no
interest in repealing existing legislation. Whether Romney would have actually
signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act into law in early 2009 was left less clear.
During an interview with the likely GOP presidential nominee on Monday, ABC's
Diane Sawyer tried to nail down a more definitive answer. And, once more,
Romney punted.
SAWYER: I want to talk about a couple of issues relating to women. This
19-point difference between you and the president on women. Here are some
specific questions. If you were president -- you had been president -- would
you have signed the Lilly Ledbetter Law?
ROMNEY: It's certainly a piece of legislation I have no intend -- intention of
changing. I wasn't there three years ago ...
SAWYER: But would you have signed it?
ROMNEY: I'm not going to go back and look at all the prior laws and say had I
been there which ones would I have supported and signed, but I certainly
support equal pay for women and -- and have no intention of changing that law,
don't think there's a reason to.
worth noting that Romney's vague answer supporting "equal pay for
women" is not necessarily the same as support for the act itself. The law
allows for lengthier legal channels for women to sue employers for wage
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