Saturday, March 31, 2012

So why are these rich guys so upset with President Obama?

I am confused by the attitudes toward President Obama from the one percent. Have you been paying attention to the US stock markets? Those markets have climb to a fourteen years high. Here is what I am talking about:

The Dow jones Industrial average rose 66.22 to close at 13,212.04. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose 5.19 points to close at 1,408.47. The NASDAQ composite barley moved, falling 3.79 points to close at 3,092.57.

For the quarter, the Dow posted an 8 percent gain and the S&P a 12 percent gain the best for those indexes in 14 years. The gain was 19 percent for the NASDAQ its best since 1991.

The Commerce Department said consumer spending rose in February at the fastest rate in seven months. Strong hiring over the past three months has added up to the best jobs growth in two years, putting more people back to work.

American spent more even though their income has stagnated for two months after taxes and inflation. Some of the increased spending has gone to gasoline which is the most expensive on record for this time of year. Oil prices rose again on Friday up 23 cents in New York to $103.02 per barrel.

Nine out of 10 industry groups in the S&P 500 rose. The biggest gaining category was energy stocks, although refiners fell because of the higher oil prices. Health care stocks rose, too, with two of the biggest gainers being health insurers, UnitedHealth Group Inc and WellPoint Inc., Technology stocks fell slightly.

Apple fell 1.7 percent after a company that makes its iPhones and iPads said it would effectively raise per hour wages at its factories in China, suggesting that manufacturing prices could rise.

Given all of the information stated above happen under President Obama’s administration. I thought the Obama administration didn’t understand business or how it works. That’s what Gov (R-MA) Mitt Romney has been saying only he understand how business works. As always Gov Romney doesn’t have a clue, he seems to do one thing very well and that is tells lies everything he talk about. Given that, Republican Presidential Candidates Gov Romney has an undisputed record of saying things that are untrue. I am in the process of trying research his untruth telling so hopeful I will have it together soon.

Gov (R-MA) like to taut his business accouterment stating the President doesn’t have any and is a light weight when compared to his resume. In my mind the Governor has outsource hundreds of thousands of jobs if not million by what I am calling destroying companies, breaking them up into their more profitable parts. As I understand it as a modern day robber barons he busted up these companies broken them into their more and less profitable parts. Modern day Robber Barons sold off the more profitable part and left the less profitable part to die in place. As long as they rapes these companies and threw away the people like they were trash. In my estimation Governor Romney has stated he was proud of firing people we know this is true by the number of people he has fired during his time as a Modern day Robber Baron.
The Vulture Capitalism practiced by Bain Capital is not what working Americans envision as the “American Dream.”  It is much more like the “American Nightmare.” 

I have another question for you, where is Republican Presidential Candidate Gov Romney tax records for the last eight years? They are hidden because he doesn’t want you to know where all of his off shore bank accounts are hidden so he can avoid paying his fair share of taxes. If his taxes records were without issues he would have released them by now. Just in case you have forgotten, President Obama released his eight years tax records before he started running for the office of the President. I guess IOKIYAR at least that’s what the American people have said.

Romney has a fortune in the Caribbean
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mitt Romney's campaign admitted Wednesday that he has millions invested in funds in a Caribbean tax haven — but insisted the GOP front-runner is no tax dodger. 

The White House hopeful and his wife have poured at least $8 million into a dozen funds listed on a Cayman Islands registry, ABC News reported. Other securities records the network examined show Romney has an additional $5 million to $25 million cooling in the Caymans.

Romney’s offshore wheeling and dealing was not apparent on the financial disclosure form he filed in August that declared he made $9.6 million in 2010 and the first nine months of 2011, ABC News reported.
Here is another question for you? Why Republicans Presidential Candidates have constantly attacked President Obama on “The Affordable Care Act”. This act was designed to help Americans who don’t have any health care be covered and help pay for their care. Remember the act was originally a Republicans idea and Gov (R-MA) was at the forefront to implement this health care idea. So why is he afraid to talk about what he did as the Governor of Massachusetts? I know he is running to the right of his party, it appears to me that’s not the place to be but what do I know. I am just an uninformed American who votes. Oh don’t forget about Speaker (R-GA) Newt Gingrich I recall some of the speeches he has given over the years supporting the way “The Affordable Care Act” was constructed. Of course, like all Republicans Presidential Candidates because President Obama adopted their idea they no longer like it IOKIYAR. 

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